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Water Data...

Here I share noteworthy scientific literature I have personally read, consciously selecting quotes with reasonable context. ALL quotations are directly cited at the end of each PDF. Every PDF and it's associated (+ date relevant source) data are available through the hyperlinks and download links provided.

If hyperlinked research features dates more recent than the notes posted date, please contact me directly and I will update the time relevant data/PDF, thought it is your duty that your "Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs."[*]


information is an irrevocable power. compassion as patience for understand. understand is not inherent agreement. simply viewing perspectives outside our own.

[*] One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.



"Water doesn't decompose into hydrogen and oxygen spontaneously as the Gibbs free energy for the process at standard conditions is about 474.4 kJ. The decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen can be performed in an electrolytic cell."


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 




Date Posted: 21.12.2021

The Human Body + PH regulation

In humans and many other animals, acid–base homeostasis is maintained by multiple mechanisms involved in three lines of defense:

  1. Chemical:
    The first lines of defense are immediate, consisting of the various chemical bufferswhich minimize pH changes that would otherwise occur in their absence. These buffers include the bicarbonate buffer system, the phosphate buffer system, and the protein buffer system.[7]

  2. Respiratory component:
    The second line of defense is rapid consisting of the control the carbonic acid concentration in the ECF by changing the rate and depth of breathing by hyperventilation or hypoventilation. This blows off or retains carbon dioxide (and thus carbonic acid) in the blood plasma as required.[5][8]

  3. Metabolic component:
    The third line of defense is slow, best measured by the base excess,[9] and mostly depends on the renal system which can add or remove bicarbonate ions to or from the ECF.[5] Bicarbonate ions are derived from metabolic carbon dioxide which is enzymatically converted to carbonic acid in the renal tubular cells.[5][10][11] There, carbonic acid spontaneously dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions.[5] When the pH in the ECF falls, hydrogen ions are excreted into urine, while bicarbonate ions are secreted into blood plasma, causing the plasma pH to rise.[12] The converse happens if the pH in the ECF tends to rise: bicarbonate ions are then excreted into the urine and hydrogen ions into the blood plasma.


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 




Date Posted: 13.11.2021

Water 5: H2 rich Water + Healthy Adults

“In conclusion, this work presents, to our knowledge, the first double-blind placebo-controlled comprehensive study investigating the effects of H2-water in healthy adults. 1.5 L of H2-water intake for 4 weeks reduced cell death and inflammatory responses by modulating transcriptional networks of TLR-NFκB signaling. In addition, it may promote biological antioxidant capacity for adults > 30 yrs more than younger individuals.”


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 



Sim, M., Kim, CS., Shon, WJ. et al. Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Sci Rep 10, 12130 (2020). 


Date Posted: 17.10.2021

Water 4: Hydrogen Water + Keratin

“Furthermore, hydrogen warm water exhibited the cleansing effect of keratin plugs on nostril and cheek more markedly than normal warm water, showing the thorough cleansing by hydrogen warm water, keratin-plugs of residual amounts that could not be cleansed by normal warm water could be removed effectively. These beneficial effects could be attributed to the permeability into skin or lipid membrane, and the antioxidant ability of hydrogen.”


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 



[1] Tanaka, Y., Saitoh, Y., & Miwa, N. (2018). Electrolytically generated hydrogen warm water cleanses the keratin-plug-clogged hair-pores and promotes the capillary blood-streams, more markedly than normal warm water does. Medical gas research, 8(1), 12–18.


Date Posted: 9.9.2021

Water 3: HRW + Daily Life


“In conclusion, HRW administration for 4 weeks in adult volunteers improved mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function, suggesting that HRW administration may offer an effective method to reinforce QOL and maintain good health. In a further study, we will try to identify the effects of HRW administration in participants with ongoing stress or chronic fatigue.”


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 



Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life.



[1] Mizuno, K., Sasaki, A. T., Ebisu, K., Tajima, K., Kajimoto, O., Nojima, J., Kuratsune, H., Hori, H., & Watanabe, Y. (2018). Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life. Medical gas research, 7(4), 247–255.



Date Posted: 13.9.2021

Water 2: Hydrogen-Water + Psoriasis

“In summary, patients with psoriasis and parapsoriasis en plaques who were treated with hydrogen-water bathing therapy achieved significant and rapid improvement in disease severity and quality of life. We suggested that hydrogen-water bathing therapy could fulfill the unmet need for an alternative therapeutic option for these patients.”


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 


Positive effects of hydrogen-water bathing in patients of psoriasis and parapsoriasis en plaques



[1] Zhu, Q., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Chen, Z., Wang, L., Xiong, H., Dai, E., Wu, J., Fan, B., Ping, L., & Luo, X. (2018). Positive effects of hydrogen-water bathing in patients of psoriasis and parapsoriasis en plaques. Scientific reports, 8(1), 8051.  



Date Posted on-site: 9.9.2021

Water: ERW + GERD

“Our results demonstrated that the reduction in clinical symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation leads to a statistical improvement of the quality of life, as demonstrated by the analysis of satisfaction levels, at 3 months after supplementation with ERW when compared to baseline.”


Please, read the document in entirety as to inform yourself in FULL CONTEXT. 


Elementally Energy personally noteworthy reiteration from 


“Modulation of the oxidative plasmatic state in gastroesophageal reflux disease with the addition of rich water molecular hydrogen: A new biological vision.”



[1] Franceschelli, Sara et al. “Modulation of the oxidative plasmatic state in gastroesophageal reflux disease with the addition of rich water molecular hydrogen: A new biological vision.” Journal of cellular and molecular medicine vol. 22,5 (2018): 2750-2759. doi:10.1111/jcmm.13569 



Date Posted on-site: 7.9.2021



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